create 1 GMM per TIMIT phone type, fitted only on those phone observations.
In [1]:
# general imports
import os
import pickle
import numpy as np
import copy
In [2]:
# import Scykit learn GMM library
from sklearn import mixture
In [3]:
# import custom functions
import sys
# path to libraries
# currently in ../scripts-lib/
tool_path = os.path.abspath('..' + os.sep + 'scripts-lib')
if tool_path not in sys.path:
import lib_phones as lph
# print the loaded functions
print dir(lph)[5:]
In [4]:
# load phone list
phone_path = os.path.abspath('../datasets/TIMIT-MFCCs/TIMIT_phone_list.txt')
phone_list = lph.load_phone_file(phone_path)
print len(phone_list), phone_list
In [5]:
#load mfccs into sklearn observations, each frame is an obs
train_TIMIT_dir = os.path.abspath('../datasets/TIMIT-MFCCs/dev')
#create individual obs list for each phone type
train_phone_obs_dict = {}
for phone in phone_list:
train_phone_obs_dict[phone] = []
# complete obs
train_obs = []
train_obs_labels = []
# walk the directories
for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(train_TIMIT_dir):
print "working in path : " + path
for file in files:
# skip the SA files
#dev, only work on file si1573.mfcc.csv "si1573" in file and
if ".mfcc" in file and "sa" not in file:
#check if corresponding .phn file exists
if not os.path.exists(path + "/" + file[:-8] + "phn"):
print path + "/" + file[:-8] + "phn"
print "corresponding .phn file does not exist!"
print "working on: " + file
# print "from path : " + path
# open the files
mfcc_file = open(path + "/" + file)
phn_file = open(path + "/" + file[:-8] + "phn")
# extract phone times
phone_times = []
for phn_line in phn_file:
# transpose for easier use
phone_times = map(list, zip(*phone_times))
# skip mfcc_file header
# reset frame count
frame_cnt = 0
# for each line of mfcc_file
for mfcc_line in mfcc_file:
# increment frame count
frame_cnt += 1
# print "frame line #:", frame_cnt
# frame start time in seconds
start_t = mfcc_line.split(";")[1]
# create frame (skiping first 2 values, frame_index and frame_time)
frame = map( float, mfcc_line.split(";")[2:])
# print numpy.shape(frame)
# print frame
# find correspond phoneme and index in the list
phn_index = lph.find_phone_index(start_t, phone_times, phone_list)
# add to instances for corresponding
# add to instances
In [6]:
# smallest phone observations
min([len(train_phone_obs_dict[phone]) for phone in phone_list])
In [7]:
# gmm parameters
num_components = 10
# dictionary containing a gmm for each phone, trained directly on obervation on those phones
gmm_dict = dict()
# for each phone, build a GMM
for phone in phone_list:
# check if enough observations exist
if len(train_phone_obs_dict[phone]) < num_components:
print "not enough obs for phone", phone
print "training gmm for phone", phone
g = mixture.GMM(n_components= num_components, n_iter=num_iter)[phone])
gmm_dict[phone] = g
In [8]:
#save gmm in pickled form
import cPickle as pickle
# name and location to save in
pickle_name = "TIMIT_gmm_unadapted_dict" + ".pckl"
pickle_dir = os.path.abspath('..'+ os.sep + 'datasets' + os.sep + 'TIMIT Pickled Data')
if not os.path.isdir(pickle_dir):
pickle.dump( gmm_dict, open( pickle_dir + os.sep + pickle_name, "wb") )
print "saved unadapted gmm dictionary in ", pickle_dir + os.sep + pickle_name
In [ ]: